Sunday, November 13, 2011

I dont have any painting to show for myself this week... But I have started quite a few tattoos this week that I am really excited about. I put all my free time in to artwork for those and I think it was worth it. Also I have decided to start an in progress folder on my facebook page so I can show where I am now instead of always having a portfolio a year behind my actual thought process. I'll do that at some point this week.

Also, this week I finished a very fun little project. I created a small design for a friend and client who has started her own side business making hair accessories called "Touch of Envy". ( It's an honor for her to want her company to be represented by my art, so I put a little love in to it for her. I just gave her the art yesterday and got the thumbs up so her website should be up soon. Anyway, here is the design I drew for her cards and/or stickers and what not.

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