Finally finished her! It took WAY longer (in days, not actual paint time) than it should have but I got scared as usual and had to force myself along at the end. The whole time I was hoping that it was something worth bringing in to the world and pretending to be brave and like I didn't really care how it came out in the end. But I do care! Grr!
Also, I reread one of my favorite books and it made me question art for art's sake. AGAIN. Why do I love that book so much?? Where am i going with this?? GOOD LORD! (In the most non-religious, non-medieval way)
Ok, so good news is I'm pretty happy with her and therefore I get to show her off a bit instead of having to burn all the evidence of my imperfection. The other good news is that I now have another clean slate to begin again and try to bring something expressive to the world.
ps. I don't want to hear anything from Yoda or his disciples.. and thank you StarWars lovers for making me think of that along with every thought with the word "try" in it.
pps. I literally had to question if I was getting Yoda mixed up with Jesus for a second.
ppps. I am going to download the bible as an audiobook.
Sorry for the ramble! Just look at the pictures!
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