Friday, June 22, 2012

I'm ridiculous.

I have no illusions anymore that I will ever be the type of person who thinks about and posts regularly on a blog haha. But just because I haven't been posting it doesnt mean I haven't been making art. So here is the good news: I have abunch of new stuff! Here is some of it.. Check it out!
"Abraxas" I started this as part of a series I'm working on dealing with god concepts and duality (more on that later).

 This mermaid was started as a color reference for a tattoo I am working on but became it's own piece of art in the end.
This was a comission painting that I took on because I really love the color of these dogs and it ended up inspiring me to paint my dog (DOOM!) both of which ended up being favorites of mine out of my body of work up to now.

"War's Over" This was another comission. I think you can tell I had fun with this even though this is so far out of my comfort zone and what i'm usually attracted to..

''Final Embrace" This was a long labor of love and it was worth every second. So in love with the way this turned out. Thank you so much to Roman, one of my favorite people in the world, for loving it as much as I do. Hope you take good care of her!

The finished product on 'Cheetahs Heart" traded to the awesome Aaron Odell of Cartel Ink Works for one of his paintings that now has a permanent home in my front room!

"Witchblade".. Trying my hand at some bio organic stuff for the Cartel Ink Works artshow with this theme. Hats of to you guys doing this stuff so amazingly. It's even harder than it looks..

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

bleh titles.

Ugh! Updating things on the internet sucks! But I have a couple things to show for myself since last time I posted..

I did a second version of that last commission painting I did, this one s for this litle guy's grandma I think. I tried it with a different color scheme this time just to keep it fun. I actually meant to keep it all monochromatic/sepia tone style but then I thought it might be a little cuter if I added the pink in the cheeks and lips.. So I completely ruined the sepia look but the upside was that it is actually way cuter. That's what's important, right?

Also, I have been working on this big one now for a couple weeks. Little by little it's coming along. It's taking quite a bit longer than I thought it would but I'm still having fun so it's cool. Back to work.. I'll let ya know when she's done!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

She's Got A Cheetah's Heart

Finished her! I've named her too, "Cheetah's Heart" Come see her in person at Cartel Ink tomorrow for the Animal Head Art Show. I'll be there too if you need another reason... Also, I got around to this painting of a guys grandson that he commissioned me for so he could give it to his daughter for christmas. I took it on with no idea when I would be abe to fit it in and then i got a huge cancellation today. (Bummer, but here is the silver lining.) I have been a painting machine this week! What a life :) The productive periods of an artists life.. nothing better.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Working on this right now. She will be on display art Cartel Ink works in Carmichael, for the Animal Head Art Show on December.16, 6pm-10pm. As long as I can get her done on time... alright. I'm getting back to work.

Last week I got around to doing some sculpting. I have been fantasizing about getting my hands in some clay again since taking the chet zar semiar at the last paradise tattoo convention. I love and collect mannequins, so I have been wanting to sculpt some heads. Once I make some worthy of a mold I want to hand paint there faces and makeup.. Here are some pics of the one I just finished and the one I did at the seminar (my first attempt at sculpting, worked from one of chet's paintings). The only thing is I haven't figured out how to get them to dry without cracking yet.. grr.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Finally finished her! It took WAY longer (in days, not actual paint time) than it should have but I got scared as usual and had to force myself along at the end. The whole time I was hoping that it was something worth bringing in to the world and pretending to be brave and like I didn't really care how it came out in the end. But I do care! Grr!

Also, I reread one of my favorite books and it made me question art for art's sake. AGAIN. Why do I love that book so much?? Where am i going with this?? GOOD LORD! (In the most non-religious, non-medieval way)

Ok, so good news is I'm pretty happy with her and therefore I get to show her off a bit instead of having to burn all the evidence of my imperfection. The other good news is that I now have another clean slate to begin again and try to bring something expressive to the world.

ps. I don't want to hear anything from Yoda or his disciples.. and thank you StarWars lovers for making me think of that along with every thought with the word "try" in it.

pps. I literally had to question if I was getting Yoda mixed up with Jesus for a second.

ppps. I am going to download the bible as an audiobook.

Sorry for the ramble! Just look at the pictures!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I dont have any painting to show for myself this week... But I have started quite a few tattoos this week that I am really excited about. I put all my free time in to artwork for those and I think it was worth it. Also I have decided to start an in progress folder on my facebook page so I can show where I am now instead of always having a portfolio a year behind my actual thought process. I'll do that at some point this week.

Also, this week I finished a very fun little project. I created a small design for a friend and client who has started her own side business making hair accessories called "Touch of Envy". ( It's an honor for her to want her company to be represented by my art, so I put a little love in to it for her. I just gave her the art yesterday and got the thumbs up so her website should be up soon. Anyway, here is the design I drew for her cards and/or stickers and what not.